Deerwalk Plan Analytics Version 10.6 Enables You to Create Dynamic Benchmark Reporting
Deerwalk's latest release brings dynamic benchmarking, user management enhancements, and more
Below are the key highlights from this month’s release of Deerwalk Plan Analytics:
Like other analytics vendors, Deerwalk provides a static benchmark dataset for reporting and analysis. The Deerwalk commercial benchmark dataset contains data from a pre-set 24-month period (with a 6-month runout period).
With this release of Deerwalk Plan Analytics, we've launched dynamic benchmarking, which essentially allows you to build your own benchmark (BYOB) reporting from within our custom dashboard and report generation tool, the Create Module. This means you can access unique benchmark values, beyond Deerwalk's standard benchmark values, that are generated on the spot by pulling data from either the Deerwalk book of business (BOB) or your own BOB data set for whatever reporting period you select. You can use these dynamic benchmarks when building custom tables, charts, or widgets using the Create Module.
For example, if you’re building a non-trended custom chart and you select certain value field operations (Average, PMPM, PMPY, PEPM, PEPY, Per 1000, or % of Total), you have the option to incorporate benchmark values in the resulting chart.
The below screenshot is an example report showing the averages for Actual Paid Amount, Prior Period Paid Amount, and Benchmark Average Paid Amount by Relationship Class.
If you choose to add a filter, the chart will be rerun and new benchmark values with those filters applied to the benchmark dataset will be reflected accordingly. This gives you the flexibility to choose from a myriad of possible combinations to build custom benchmark reporting for diverse use cases.
You can now access an Out-of-Pocket Distribution Report that allows you to answer questions such as How many members have met their deductible? How many members have met their OOP max? This report can be run on a contract basis or by individual members for total out-of-pocket expenses or deductibles.
The top half of the report displays population distribution tables and pie charts that show the number of individual and family contracts/members that (1) hit, (2) exceeded, or (3) spent less than the OOP maximum/deductible that you’ve entered in the text fields.
The bottom half of the report displays expense distribution tables and spline charts that reflect average OOP/deductible expenses for contracts/members with expenses that fell within any of the predefined expense ranges shown in the tables.
Administrative users can customize the defaults for report parameters (highlighted at the top of the report) displayed for everyone across the application whereas non-administrative users can choose to set the default report parameters for themselves.
As we have a range of clients and users who need the flexibility to grant varying levels of access and data permissions, we are always working to enhance user management capabilities. Prior to this release, Deerwalk would configure detailed PHI parameters behind the scenes and Administrative users had the option to either blind or unblind PHI for their users. With this release, we’ve expanded these settings to put the configuration control in your hands. Your Administrative users can now choose from Deerwalk's default PHI and FI (Financial Information) rules or create custom rules of their own that can be applied to set the PHI/FI views for their personal access to the application. This allows for Administrators to preview application behavior for various access levels prior to rolling them out to team members and stakeholders.
Schedule a demo to learn more about how to use Deerwalk Plan Analytics and the latest features.
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